As Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), we call the diseases or infections which have transmission from human to human through sexual behavior.

During the past, these diseases referred as aphrodisiac diseases. Over the last years, we prefer the term sexually transmitted diseases, as it includes those who do not have symptomatic disease.

A sexually transmitted infection is a wider term than sexually transmitted disease. An infection is a colonization from a parasitic species.


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During an infection or disease, the person is leading to a restricted or abnormal function. In both cases, the situation may not present signs or symptoms. That is why most people don’t “feel” the infection from an STD. Of course, until they do the test  or start developing the symptoms of the disease.

Generally speaking, though someone could assume that if there is an infection from an STD, for instance chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or genital herpes, then the transmission for a disease caused through sexual intercourse.

The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system. It is caused from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The virus and the disease often referred together as HIV/AIDS. There is no cure or a preventive vaccine.

Prevention is the key to deal with untreatable sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and genital herpes. Different clinics of sexual health fight to promote the use of condoms and to highlight the high-risk groups. However, it is possible to transmit the disease even with the use of condoms!


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The most effective way to prevent the sexual transmission of an STD is to not have sex. Only with this way, by avoiding contact with body parts or fluids, will avoid effectively the transmission between partners.

In an ideal case, both partners should have tests for STDs, before initiating their sexual relationship. Especially, if one of them had a previous contact with someone else.

The detection for many infections is not immediate after exposure. There is plenty of time between possible exposures and examinations, so the examinations are not always precise.So, it is true that there isn’t detection for some Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs),( in particular resistant viruses like HPV), with current medical procedures.