Laparoscopic surgery is a modern method of minimal invasion on the woman’s body. Laparoscopy gives us the possibility to operate internal organs of the body, through small holes and without big surgical incisions.
It is about almost bloodless operations, as this is possible with the help of specially designed instruments and the use of videos. To clarify, the laparoscopic surgery done through 3 or 4 very small holes, usually from 0,5-1,5 cm. The surgeon-gynecologist watches on screen the inside of the abdomen through a camera. The doctor operates without a scalpel, with the help of laser or electric current, by using special, thin instruments.
For example, the gynecologist can remove a fibroma, a cyst, or even the whole of the uterus, as big as it is, through a small hole of 1 centimeter, that already exists in the abdomen, by a special tool. Most importantly, the cosmetic result is perfect, since we do plastic surgery stitches for the small holes.
Because of this technique we can offer to the patient a surgery with impressively fast recovery. In other words, our patient does not experience neither the pain of incision, nor it’s complications. (Post-operative hernia, infection).
In conclusion, we can do the following surgeries laparoscopically:
- Fibromas
- Ovarian and fallopian tubes’ cysts
- Endometriosis at all stages
- Hysterectomy, total or partial uterine excision
- Uterine cancer
- Uterine prolapse/ relaxation
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What hysteroscopy is?
As diagnostic hysteroscopy, we call the method that help us have the possibility to check the inside of the uterus. Usually, we do not need anesthesia and the procedure is tolerable from the patient. By using a camera, the gynecologist is entering through the vagina and the endocervical, inside the uterine cavity. To clarify, the camera is very small, with a diameter of 3-5mm only!
With this examination the possibility to check the endocervix for polyps, adhesions or malignancy is provided. Above all, we check the endometrial cavity for the presence of diaphragm, adhesions, anatomic anomalies, fibromas, polyps, hyperplasia and malignancy.
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In short, an operative hysteroscopy is a method that is used exclusively to treat:
- Polyps
- Adhesion correction
- Uterine diaphragm
- Fibromas
- Biopsy under visual control, therapeutic excision of endometrium. In case of uterine bleedings, that are often during menopause.
More specially, during hysteroscopy to remove fibromas and polyps, the doctor inserts through the vagina and inside the uterus, only a very thin tool with a camera. Then, he watches the location of the damage exactly and at last removes it from the vagina, without an incision on the abdomen.